Deutsches Büro Grüne Karte e. V.
Wilhelmstr. 43 / 43 G
D – 10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 20205757
E-mail: dbgk[at]
Authorized Board of Management:
Mr. Thomas Vorholt (Chairman)
Mr. Peter Meier
Mr. Toren Grothe
Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Register number: VR 26334 B
Responsible for contents according to Sect. 6 of the State Treaty on Media Services (MDStV):
Ms. Sandra Schwarz
Legal notice: This is the website of Deutsches Büro Grüne Karte e. V.. All contents have been carefully compiled and researched. Liability is limited to intent and gross negligence. Despite careful content-wise control we do not assume any liability for contents of external links. As a general rule, Deutsches Büro Grüne Karte e. V. is not responsible for the content of “linked” pages, responsibility rests with the respective providers.